Stop the Deportation of 30,299 Haitian
As Haiti continues to rebuild under the weight of several hurricanes, a food crisis, collapsed schools, and a deteriorating global economy, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to deport 30,299 Haitians. With your assistance, our voices will finally be heard throughout the walls of Congress and the White House. You can use your influence to prevent this humanitarian crisis from occurring by bringing attention to this issue and asking the Obama Administration to grant Temporary Protected Status to Haitians. Hondurans, for example, are still getting TPS from a natural disaster that occurred in 1999. In addition to Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Sudan have temporary protected status through 2010. Yet, Haiti has never been granted such a status. This nation of immigrants owes Haitians the same American dream that we promise to every other immigrant group. Call and write your state and nationally eleceted leaders today!