Don't ask. Don't tell
Roy Ellis 0

Don't ask. Don't tell

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President Obama, elected members of Congress, appointed judges of the Supreme Court and governors, we are a God fearing country. We ask you to honor God in your future decisions and to lead the charge that will allow us to honor God through military service and in our daily lives. Just maybe, God will hear from Heaven and heal our land. Several groups have chosen to use the Black experience and struggle for civil rights as justification for their support to gay and lesbian groups. A nationally recognized religious leader said something to the effect that he could not deny gay rights because of his experience in fighting for civil rights. The battles for civil rights and gay rights are not synonymous. America’s experience with slavery and its people struggle for civil rights weren’t new occurrences. In the book of Genesis, Joseph’s brothers sold him to merchants who later sold Joseph into slavery. God's chosen people served as slaves in Egypt prior to God delivering them out of slavery in the book of Exodus. In the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles God sent his chosen people into exile because of disobedience to him. They often served as slaves. Those served as slaves and remained obedient to God prospered. Joseph rose to the second highest-ranking position in Egypt. The prophet Daniel served as a slave under three kings. The King made Daniel ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men (Daniel 2:48). Queen Esther fought and won equal rights for Jews to exist. In retrospect, although our nation’s experience with slavery was more recent and several scares remain, it was not a new and isolated occurrence. Twisting gay rights into civil rights is a more recent strategy used by gay and lesbian supporters. However, God did not approve of a man sleeping with a man as he would a woman. The Bible says such a practice is detestable (Leviticus 18:22). We should refer to the Bible and recognize the consequences of allowing organized efforts to desensitize us into accepting alternate lifestyles. "The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men" (Psalm 12:8). We, as Americans, choose not to continue to appease an organized and more vocal small segment of the population at the expense of America losing favor with God. The average American is God fearing and does not favor gays serving openly in the military. Silence has been our problem as gays are seeking to do what is right in their eyes and want us to accept it. They have misled us to believe their struggle for gay rights and repealing “Don’t ask. Don’t tell” is a fight for their civil rights. Americans are motivated by love for God and for their neighbors. God loves all people, as we all should. However, God wants us to be obedient to him as we honor his Word. Our military leaders should not be deceived to trust in man’s wisdom, warplanes, guns and bombs. As Psalm 20:7 states, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

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