
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PARENTS OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE EXTENDED DAYCARE PROGRAM AND/OR SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM OF DON CALLEJON SCHOOL AND PARENTS OF FUTURE STUDENTS OF DON CALLEJON SCHOOL, PETITION THE SANTA CLARA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION AS FOLLOWS: 1. Many of us have had our children enrolled in the Don Callejon School (hereinafter "DCS")Extended Daycare and Summer Camp programs for the past three years. Our children are in a comfortable, safe, nurturing environment right on school grounds which makes getting to the Extended Daycare Program very accessible for the students after school. 2. If these programs are discontinued, it will create a hardship for all the working parents who have come to rely on these invaluable programs during the last three years. 3. Extended Care is offered by many schools (public and private) and many parents expect there to be an Extended Care program when they enroll their children. To remove the DCS Extended Care and Summer Camp programs would be like removing part of the school curriculum. 4. There are multiple families in the Rivermark community that will reverse their decision to send their children to the DCS kindergarten program next year and in the future if the school does not offer an extended care facility. For many working parents, lack of consistent extended care is not a viable school option. 5. We understand that the overcrowding in the school has led to this situation. This issue was addressed last year and nothing has been done and now parents and students of the DCS Extended Care and Summer Camp programs will be effected by the non-action of the School Board. Why has this issue been left until the last minute 6. If it is possible for these programs to be moved to Montague Elementary School, we request that bus service be provided to transport the students. Expecting elementary school children to walk to Montague from Don Callejon across some highly trafficked streets will be very hazardous. 7. The downside to moving children off the DCS campus will prevent them from participating in after-school programs at DCS. Many children participate in the Odyssey of the Mind, Mad Science, school organized flag football, volleyball, talent show practices and other after school programs. 8. The proposed design of the Northside Library is due to start this summer (but may be pushed back due to budget cuts) and slated to open in 2012. The library will be walking distance from Don Callejon School. Even though it is four years away from being open, the Northside Library can provide an outlet for students during and after school which could free up the designated building that now houses the library at Don Callejon School. This space could be used for needed classrooms and an Extended Care Program. 9. By signing this Petition, we are requesting that the Extended Daycare and Summer Camp programs be continued either on the school grounds of Don Callejon School or by transporting our children to Montague Elementary School. 10. By signing this Petition, we are requesting that the Santa Clara Unified School District work with the City of Santa Clara to build the Northside Library which will help alleviate the overcrowding at Don Callejon School. Thank you, The Parents of Don Callejon Extended Daycare and Summer Camp Programs