i am a volenter for for an non profit UK organisation, we voleenter our time to search for missing, stolen and lost dogs reuniting them around the uk, we work hard to help dogs and owners alike in times of crisis, but with no 'dog warden' our mission can be very hard, milton keynes and surrounding areas have lost the dog warden due to budget cuts within the council, we now have an animal wardens service which needless to say is just not cutting it. This supposed 'animal collection service' will not collect dogs that have not been caught and secured, if a lose dog is aggressive toward children or the general public and continues to roam loose, apparently it is only the police can deal with said dog, not a specialised person, on more than one occasion i personally had to phone for police back up as an aggressive Staffie 'type' was charging the public whilst there were children present, on school holidays, a police officer was sent out hours later to deal, he himself was terrified of dogs, this was not a safe situation for anybody and only served to stress the dog further, we have dogs loose daily, we used to have a dog warden, who cared about the dogs and the owners now if a dog is caught there is one person across 4 counties that can come and collect which can take up to 5 hours, and this has the potential to lead to both injury and upset to both other dogs and the people trying to help the dogs themselves. Animal wardens WILL NOT COLLECT UNLESS SOMEONE HAS GONE AN A LIMB TO SECURE THE DOG. i sent a letter to my local mp this year as there was a dog next street up to me which had severe fear aggression issues and would be seen loose everyday, running in the roads, excrementing, and charging people, i sent numerous email to both the mp and the local council, rspca, etc which i can forward to you, and i was told unless it was barking excessively after hours there was nothing the council could do! i sent these emails for 3 months to no avail, until eventually one of my many predictions came true it was hit by a car and died, that dog could have been saved, and the owners could not give a toss, WE ARE BEGGING AS A CITY, COUNTY TO HAVE A DOG WARDEN BACK, THERE HAVE BEEN TOO MANY LIVES LOST AND TOO MANY CHILDREN AT RISK EVERY DAY. So who would be responsible if a child was bitten? the council will not take responasbility even if it was reported to them before the event, as i put that question to them once and was told it was police responsabilty, DO WE NOT THINK THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO?????? do we not think our dogs deserve better? also these dog are driven all the way to northampton, the closest council pound, for these people that do not have transport, is this fair? and its a whopping £103.00 to get your dog back plus the petrol of traveling up to 30 miles round trip for your dog? milton keynes council is the only council that charge this much, most other councils charge about half. we need a caring dog warden of whom care for the dogs concerned at the time, we need a direct person to contact not a half staffed call centre that will not take our call seriously, we need someone to fight for the dogs and who has compassion when the situation is not of our making, ie a dog has been stolen, a house fire has meant a dog has ran for its life, obviously crime references would be needed but someone that cares. PLEASE PLEASE SIGN, ONE DAY IT MAY BE YOU THAT NEEDS THAT DOG WARDEN FOR A MUCH LOVED DOG, OR A FRIEND OR FAMILY'S CHANCES ARE YOU WILL ONE DAY KNOW OF A DOG THAT HAS GONE MISSING AND OF A PERSON IN NEED OF HELP.