Does appearance really matter?

Does appearance really matter?

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Does appearance really matter? By: Ana 4SA

Did you know that over twenty MILLION black kids in America do not have access to education? Well maybe some do go to school but the education of the whites is ten times better. In fact most of the schools for black children don’t even teach math or science! We shouldn’t really think that appearance really matters, what matters is who we are.
I am concerned about the twenty millions of girls who are being affected. Most of these girls stay home working and doing chores since their family have less privileges . Also Did you know that Muslims, black people and Hispanics are being discriminated? Believe it or not the reasoning behind this is all because of the skin color, religious believes and political preferences.
I believe that discrimination affects the wellbeing of a individual. it as well affects his/her self esteem since saying strong wrong words about the appearance has consequences. Another reason is that discrimination results in anxiety, saddnes,desperation,fellings and feeling gutty. In addition to individuals who are segregated may consume drugs or alcohol since they are being confused and are feeling left out.
To further support my opinion take a look at some very good examples of racial discrimination: stereotyping involves attributing the same or similar characteristics of group members. It is mostly related to misconceptions and misunderstandings, people usually make judgments and generalizations without giving a opportunity for people to show who they are.Another example of racial discrimination is racial profiling. Which also a form of stereotyping that has many particular implications or suggestions for a recalled individual. All of these prove that there is several ways of racial discrimination happening in different countries. Recent research proves that 56% of people in the U.S.A feel like discrimination is a major problem .
I truly believe that we should not separate people because of their personalities or appearance. All that ever should matter is who they are. So Let’s all work together to make our world a better place. You as a single individual could help stop the practice of racial discrimination. I am collecting 70 signatures from people around the world. To help me stop racial discrimination all you have to do is sign this petition and share with your friends/family. When all this is done you have spread awareness and showed sympathy for everyone who is being discriminated.
Help me stop racial discrimination!!!

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