Dead or Alive 4.0 Revert

This is a petition that will be sent to Team Ninja somehow after it gets enough people to sign it to have them either revert to 4.0 as the standard format, or give us the ability to play it online atleast. Seeing how 4.0 is the superior version over the watered down 4.1, there is simply no reason for us to be playing any other version, especially seeing how Doa4 has gained alot of ground as an e-sport game. Wouldn't it be the more logical thing the play the most competetivley suitable version of the game then, instead of the version tailored to keep people whining about online stuff The goal of this petition anyway is that one day when you log unto DoA Online a window will pop-up on your screen that tells you "A new update is available for this game, do you want to proceed and download it A: Yes B: No" And that this update is actually just a global revert back to 4.0.