Do You want Labrash Zoned Commercial

Sign this Petition to Protest & Curb Deer River/Lake Labrash Commercial Development
Also, Forward an Email to Town Planner and Council stating your non-support of this Commercial Application Email addresses;
mayor.armstrong@whitestone.ca; treasurer@whitestone.ca; councillor.comrie@whitestone.ca; councillor.deacon@whitestone.ca; councillor.lamb@whitestone.ca; councillor.mcewen@whitestone.ca
Dear Neighbours; Just thought I'd advise you that a fellow by the name of Sam is applying to the township to Commercially Rezone his 66 acre property on Deer River, with access to Labrash Lake. (Sam's Lane)
He has been renting out his cottage to partiers for the past several years, to the dismay, aggravation and hardship of his neighbours on the river ... many times the police have attended re noise and all kinds of disturbances ...
Then he started to expand his cottage into a duplex, apparently without any permits ... His intent, to increase the number of weekenders' ... resulting in .... more money in his pocket. (And, there are neighbourly rumors that, when the duplex is done, he will then extend that into a triplex)
The township issued a stop order on the duplex reno because of septic issues, so now he is applying for Commercial Zoning.
Further, he had the northern road allowance on crown land rezoned several years ago. You may have noticed his boat parked upside down on the south shore as you travel west on the lake past the river and towards the crown land.
One of the attracting features he markets to his partiers is access to the lake via that road allowance access as well as the river.
This can effect us all because this commercial zoning allows for trailer parks, motels, resorts and various different commercial activities that could not only severely impact the environment with more and more lake activity, pollution and total disregard for nature, it could also cause us all troubles. These "party renters" have been found sitting on LaBrash Lake docks drinking beer, because we were told, that Sam told them, that all of Labrash Lake is crown land. (Not to mention beer bottles scattered everywhere)
The consequence is, if approved, he can develop his property to the detriment of us all, compromising all of our peaceful weekend escapes as well as the pristine beauty, peace and seclusion we all bought our properties for in the 1st place.
Bottom Line - If you do not want commercial activity disturbing you, let your voice be heard. What's to stop these weekender's from launching their boat at our launch and interfering with our parking??
If you find this disturbing and you would like a voice in this matter, his application is being presented to council in Dunchurch at 6:30 pm on Monday November 16th. If you can't attend and you would like your voice to be heard, you can sign this petition stating your disapproval as well as sending an email to council simply stating your non-support and strong objection.
Below is part of an email Sam sent to his immediate neighbours only
p.s. - he's building a cabin near the crown land which he refers to below as a gazebo.
Thx ... A Concerned Cottager
Hi All,
I have submitted the application for rezoning to township and would like to ask for your support as I have asked other neighbours as well. It is about my cottage, right now I can rent the cottage as one unit by residential law. I want you to know that due to extension of the cottage- two separate units, I need a bigger septic so the township recommended me to apply for rezoning so renting will be allowed under commercial zoning. Also, I want to mention that the renters will be using the La Brush lake, I have there the gazebo and access to the lake thru crown land.
Please feel free to contact township office if you want more information. I have attached email from township office.
Thank you