Just do the Trinity River Trail ASAP! – We have the money.
Greg Shelton 0

Just do the Trinity River Trail ASAP! – We have the money.

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Greg Shelton 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Some folks may not know that leading city council people created a plan to quickly get a 4 Mile bike trail in the Trinity River Park (the Katy Trail is just over 3 Miles long).  This bike trail would not only be a great trail in itself with amazing views of the city and the new Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, but also serve as a much needed connector between other trails.   This trail is not just pie in the sky it has been planned and cost estimated and funding has been found for it – it’s paid for.  But now City Hall has lost interest in this project just as one of the main proponents is leaving the council.

The reason city is giving to not put in this trail is due to the fact that it would also be used sometimes by city maintenance trucks that would have to get into the river bottom from time to time.  This is clearly a bogus reason as we are currently building an on street bike system throughout the city that would put bikers in much closer contact with more cars and trucks.

After 15 years of waiting for something to happen with this Trinity River Park we just can’t sit here and take this any longer.  We have waited and waited for toll ways, lakes and a meandering river all too expensive and controversial to implement.  A simple bike trail can be done… and it is already paid for.  I have started an online petition seeking 100,000 signatures to let our politicians know that we are serious about this bike trail.   And we want it done NOW not in 5 or 10 years.  NOW!  We want construction to start before the end of 2013. 

So if you agree with me on this then sign my petition and I will try to use this to get the attention of the folks in City Government and let them know that a sizable chunk of the Dallas Population is sick and tired of waiting.  It is time for us to do something. Tell the City we want our trail. --- build us this simple trail that is already paid for and start work before the end of 2013.


For more information check out this article:  (http://dallasmorningviewsblog.dallasnews.com/2013/06/trinity-trails-answer-comes-and-it-stinks.html/ )


Greg Shelton


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