Do Right Northland

THE PETITION Chuck Phelps was the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church when a 15 year old girl in the congregation was raped. He gave comfort to the rapist, a man who confessed to the pastor that he was the aggressor, made the young girl apologize for her part in getting raped, sent her away with her mother's help to Tri-City Baptist church in Colorado, under the care of Pastor Matt Olson, where she would have her baby and give it up for adoption away from friends and family. Chuck Phelps allowed the rapist to remain in the church in NH and Matt Olson made Tina Anderson write a letter of apology to the rapists' wife. Matt Olson said that he never made her apologize for "anything she didn't do" (courtesy of Will Senn, public letter 2010). Matt and Diane Olson also told Tina not to talk to the hospital staff. Matt Olson was aware of the crime against Tina Anderson, yet he never made a phone call to the New Hampshire or Colorado police departments, to report this rape. On April 8, 2011, ABC 20/20 did an investigative piece about Tina Anderson's story: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/scarred-childhood-13334532 Chuck Phelps had to testify at the trial of Tina Anderson's rapist. There are several news stories available about his testimony: Pastor: I heard aggressor (Concord Monitor) Pastor continues to testify in Willis rape trial (Concord Monitor) Videos from the trial (Google "Willis rape trial Phelps") After trial was over, neither Chuck Phelps, nor Matt Olson have ever contacted Tina Anderson to apologize to her. In fact, some witnesses at the trial described Chuck Phelps' testimony as evasive and defensive. In spite of their failure to protect a child and make sure a rapist was brought to justice, even allowing the rapist to attend youth activities with children after Tina Anderson was sent away, Bob Jones University has added Chuck Phelps BACK onto their board. He was on the board for a few years and stepped down when he took the presidency at Maranatha Baptist Bible College. After the response from Bob Jones University this week (November 21, 2011), we have decided to raise the accountability to another level, within the IFB. We want to send a clear message that nothing but complete repentance and restoration is acceptable. We believe that Chuck Phelps and Matt Olson need to write public letters of apology to Tina Anderson, outlining the specifics of their wrong-doing. We also ask that all derogatory statements made against Tina Anderson be removed from the internet, and we ask Chuck Phelps to shut down his blog, the medium he used to slander Tina prior to the trial. We also ask that Matt Olson step down from any and all leadership roles at Northland International University, and we ask that Chuck Phelps resign as pastor of his church. Please add your signature in support of asking Matt Olson to resign as president of Northland International University. NIU and Bob Jones University preach the need for repentance. Matt Olson and Chuck Phelps have not demonstrated repentance for the way they treated Tina Anderson. This petition is designated as accountability for Matt Olson. Please call Matt Olson today and ask for his response at: 715-324-6900. Please see http://isupporttinaanderson.blogspot.com/ for more information about Tina Anderson's story.