Do Not Steal Our Public Lands: We OPPOSE HB1032 and SB1257

Hawaii's legislature seems determined to set a precedent that will allow the unfettered leasing of Hawaii's public-owned submerged and fast lands to for-profit corporations, beginning with all of Hawaii's public harbors. HB 1032 will face a final vote soon.
HB 1032: " . . . Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board may lease any existing state boating facility in its entirety, and fast lands and submerged lands within [an] any existing state boating facility, by public auction, a request for
proposals, or by direct negotiation . . . ."
SB1257 is the first step in "clearing out" the State's largest public harbor by requesting unfettered increases in liveaboard fees there, with the obvious intent of preparing this public harbor for a new private, for-profit, corporate lessee.