Candice Jannise 0

Do not Force Moms with Preschoolers to Get a "Job" or suffer.

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My name is Candice Jannise (Pronounced as “Juh-Niece”). Nineteen years ago, I had a brain aneurysm, five brain surgeries, a seizure, and a paralyzing stroke. 13 of these years, I did not qualify for any monetary help or healthcare, although I have a platinum coil in the ruptured blood vessel in my brain keeping blood from leaking.

Law EN 05-10029 makes me ineligible for SSDI because I did not “work” five out of the last ten years before my near-death experience. I stopped “working” to stay home with my babies in accordance with the mandate for moms to be keepers of the home in Titus 2:5. Denying my rights as a disabled individual because of my religious beliefs is against my civil rights and should be overturned to stop denying the civil rights of mothers in all fifty states in America.

Additionally, my husband did not make much money, and I could not make as much as the daycare cost, so I had no choice but to stay home with my babies. Nonetheless, this requirement for low-income married moms to get a job and pay for daycare also targets low-income families.

SSI has suspended my “pay” because I had more than 645.00 in my account on November 1 from the money I recently obtained from other sources. Since Social Security counts the cash value of my life insurance policy I purchased 33 years ago against me, which is 1,355, it leaves only 645.00 max to live on in a month. I should qualify for SSDI though, based on my medical qualifications alone.

I am 53! I was married for twenty-six years and happily divorced for the last five years. I have several medical horror stories I have endured as a result of not qualifying for healthcare for 13 years. Trigeminal Neuralgia is one I must mention. This is a pain I would not wish on anyone, and it would not have occurred if I had not lost my dental and healthcare benefits. This is the basis for my petition.

In this petition, I humbly ask Congress to exempt married moms who stay home with their dependents from the “work” requirement in law # EN 05-10029 while they stay home to care for their babies. Motherhood is a job in its own right.. Childcare is a job in its own right. If it isn’t, then why do daycare workers receive work credits for watching these same babies that their mother becomes ineligible for disability rights because of remaining home with them if they become disabled?

I worked many years in my teenage years, even 60 hours each week between a full-time job at Park Place Hospital in Port Arthur, Texas, and a part-time job as a waitress until I had my first child. Unfortunately, because my income was so low, I also am disqualified because I was 2,500.00 below the required income to qualify for disability. I could have made this amount in three months at the hospital, but I only learned this fact in 2021.

I have not used my dominant hand since 2004, walk with a limp, and have cognitive issues that take longer to comprehend the situation at hand than it took before my surgeries, yet I remain disqualified for disability because of staying home with my babies 21-28 years ago. I am penalized in 2023 for trying to do the best for them decades ago!

I have heard similar stories of disabled moms denied disability rights because they stayed home. If you think it is unfair for moms and think they should be exempt from the “work requirement” while home taking care of their preschoolers or dependent disabled children, please share this message. I request everyone to call their two senators and congressmen to exempt married moms at home with their preschoolers from the “work requirement” in Law # EN 05-10029.

Can you help me personally as well as with overturning this unjust law that threatens the civil rights of every Christian mom who chooses to stay home with her babies? I need your signature and help to send this petition out to as many as possible. If you want to help in any way, my website about my miracle story is

Thank you for your encouragement and support in giving this vital information to all moms with preschoolers!

Please contact your Senators and congressmen/women to tell them to exempt moms with preschoolers from additional work demands!

Many thanks for sharing this cause on your social media sites and telling your family and friends! Congress requires 100,000 signatures within 30 days before they will consider making this unjust law a just one.


Candice Jannise My miracle story:

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