The CEO of Papa John's, John Schnatter doesn't want to give employees healthcare, so you know what he does? He begin reducing employees’ hours and blames President Barack Obama for this unjustifiable decision. John Schnatter has stated that Papa John's is not in supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry. It is a fact that Papa John’s had strong sales in the last quarter plans for an additional 1,500 new retail locations, but Schnatter still intends to give any costs to his customers and employees and blame the President of the United States for these cruel decisions.
Why should hard working people suffer because of a bad business man's decision? John Schnatter has forgotten that we, the people, are the backbone to his company. We are the reason why Papa John's is doing so well today, but to deny hardworking people healthcare all because of the re-election of President Obama is down right wrong. John Schnatter must learn to respect the vote of the people of the United States. I am asking everyone to please support this petition and do not eat at Papa John's. If John Schnatter wants to make a living hurting people, then we, the people, do not have to support his decision. America, Do not eat at Papa John's.