Do not cancel 19 Kids and Counting
Jessica Reichard 0

Do not cancel 19 Kids and Counting

34 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jessica Reichard 0 Comments
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There are not many TV PROGRAMS like 19 Kids and Counting anymore. 19 Kids and Counting is something that almost anyone, at any age could watch. They have very strict beliefs. This seems to cause many problems. People want the Duggar's show to be cancelled because they do not support gay or lesbian couples. People say that it is not about beliefs, but it is. The Duggars believe that gay and lesbian relationships are unacceptable. It is the same as someone thinking that they are acceptable. Although, I do agree that they have insulted gays/lesbians. I think they should apologize, but this is not something to cancel their show over.We do not know for sure why they deleted the pictures of theinterracial couples, but we should not be acting like we know, because it is probably something to do with their beliefs again. You know the Duggars! They probably found it somewhere in the bible saying thatinterracial relationships are not allowed. It is simple! I do not think they were trying to be racist. They were smiply trying to keep their community the same. 19 Kids and Counting should not be cancelled. The Duggars should apologize to everyone who got offended.

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