Jack Caldicott 0

Divert the lava

143 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jack Caldicott 0 Comments
143 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is intended to convince the state of Hawaii to call in the U.S. Military to investigate, make recommendations and take action to divert the current lava flow that is threatening communities.

On the island of Hawaii, the town of Pahoa, local shopping facilities and several sub divisions housing thousands are likely to be destroyed by lava flows starting in the immediate future and lasting over the next several years.

The U.S. military is almost certainly capable of diverting the lava at its source so that it flows south to an area that is already covered with lava and where it will not affect inhabitants and vital infrastructure.

No other state government in the U.S.A. would sit by complacently while millions of dollars of housing and infrastructure are destroyed if there was something they could do about it.

Your help is needed. Please sign this petition.

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