The Term
Joseph Lerner 0

The Term "Multiculturism" to be Replaced by "Diversity" in Canada

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Joseph Lerner 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Canada has become envy of the world where people from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds live in harmony and respect side by side. Our culture is Canadian culture. What makes the Canadian culture unique an envy of the world is our diversity that is the Canadian virtue. We all know where we come from. The Canadians who are either the first, second, third or forth generation Canadians are aware of their roots and heritage. The word "diversity" always creates a positive feelings of inclusion and assimilation. However, the word "multiculturalism" tends to create the negative feelings of quarrel and exclusion amongst the Canadians. The difference between the meaning of the words "multiculturalism" and "diversity" is subtle. However, this is a subtleness that has a very powerful effect. The word "diversity" is a much better and justified description of the social experiment and structure that we have been able to foster and treasure as Canadians. We as Canadians are concerned because the word "multiculturalism" often does not represent our virtue as “one nation” with “one identity” that celebrates and treasures "diversity and cultural pluralism". The word “diversity” does represent us and does justice by describing the social structure of Canada and Canadian culture as a whole. Our civility and harmonious lives in Canada is the result of our diversity coming from all walks of lives and cultural backgrounds under "one culture, one flag and land that is called Canada". Our sense of “Canadian Identity” depends on this notion regardless of being a first, second, third, forth, etc. generation Canadian. We Canadians by signing this petition strongly ask and urge the Federal Government of Canada to replace and use the word "diversity" instead of the word "multiculturalism" in all its legal and official documents, communications and statements. In addition, we strongly and unanimously ask the Federal Government of Canada to change the name of Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship and Multiculturalism to "Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship and Diversity".


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