Put Disturbed\'s \'Prayer\' on MTV
Joshua Nugent 0

Put Disturbed\'s \'Prayer\' on MTV

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Joshua Nugent 0 Comments
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Disturbed is an awesome band. They have made a video that rocks. MTV refuses to play the video because they say it is too much like the events of 9/11. Acoording to the band the video is taken from an event in the bible, from the book of Job. I think it is rediculous that MTV won\'t support Disturbed and air their video. Even if it was about 9/11, who cares. It happend, and people need to move on, accept it, and live with it. Disturbed needs support from their new album and we need to help them get that support.


My name is Josh Nugent, and i am a 19 year old college student from Arkansas. I attend Graceland University in Lamoni, IA. I love music and i want to see my favorite bands supported.


http://disturbed1.com This is disturbed\'s official website, and it has the video available to view. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1457100/20020820/disturbed.jhtmlheadlines=true This is an article on MTV.com over the band\'s video. It has quotes from the guys from Disturbed.
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