discrimination in the legal system

they say we have freedom of religion but its obvious that we don't.I had court for my grandson and they wanted to bring up that i was a witch,i see no reason why that should have been brought up at all.Me being a witch has nothing to do with me being a good grandmother and had nothing to do with the case at all but the lawyer said "im just trying to make a point that all witches are liars,this is discrimination.I feel that everyone should be treated as equals for example christians and catholics are able to represent their religion proudly,jehovas witnesses can knock on peoples doors to hand out papers for their religion,but yet witches and pegans cant be proud of their gods or godesses without being judged.The point that im trying to make is that their is no freedom of religion because if their were my religion would not have been brought up in the court.Everyone is different,everyone has different views and oppinions,no one should be judged or made to feel small just because they have a different higher power then others.We are all humans and we all have feelings.This petition is so that there can be a new law that religion should not be brought up in a court system unless they have proof that its harmful to the child or yourself or others.Yes their are bad people in the world but they are not all witches,some bad people happen to be christians.We should all be treated as equal,we need to stand up for our rights you do not have to be a witch or pegan to sign this petition you just have to agree that everyone should be treated equal and be able to worship whatever higher power they want without being judged for it.