Gas prices and what they mean to Disabled Citizens

Opening Statement: We. the citizens below, join with our fellow Americans in the concern of the rising gas prices. Our problem and that of our friends who drive us, is that we do not have the choice of using a smaller, gas efficient vehicle. We must drive accessible vans because we must use motorized wheelchairs. We are not requesting \"special\" advantages only a fair price so that, we can continue doing the things others are able to do in their smaller, gas efficient vehicles. Need: Fair gasoline prices to help those who are disabled and must use an accessible vehicle for transportation Process: Signed Petition to be sent to Congress, Oil Companies. Media Coverage,I have contacted various people in the media to speak on this subject. Goal: To give disabled citizens the same rights to drive to work, visit relatives, attend events at gas prices that reflect equality with those who purchase small gas efficient models. In other words, Take part in activities that, up until now have been restricted.