Disabled and in chronic pain and now we are being took off medications that contain opiates in which help great for severe pain!!
I am starting this petition because I have talked to many disabled people who live in chronic pain everyday that are very afraid that there medication will be token away from them! We feel that this is not fair to us as there is no way to prove how much pain a person is in and because of this how can the government say that a person only needs a very low amount of morphine a day! Everyone is different and have differed pain levels so I really don't know how this is gonna work!! If anything this will cause people to go to a drug dealer to get relief! Many have told me that is what they are gonna half to do! So we think that this is a horrible thing to do to the disabled!
We feel that we are being picked on and treated like drug attacks!! When really we are far from that and just wanna live with some relief!! I know for myself that if I didn't take my medication I wouldn't even beable to get out of bed and I would not have any quality of life at all! And another thing is that I think that the suicide rate will go way up because it will be the only way to finally get relief if you take away our medications that are dearly needed!
I'm waiting for surgery because I have severe arthritis in my left hip! But because I am still young the dr wants me to wait until I'm 50! I would have never been able to deal with the pain without my medication! I hope that this pitition is heard and something can be arranged better then what has been done!!