Disable BIC Agent while at home.

In the “1-to-1 Technology Parent Student Handbook” (Revision 1.5, dated 21/1/15) it must be noted that nowhere in the Terms and Conditions does it state that network access, while at home, may be monitored, filtered, managed or otherwise. However, a brief mention is made about not “tampering with monitoring and filtering software” (Section “Student Expectations”, point #2). Nowhere does it say that managing internet access while the User is at home will be performed.
While it is fair the User’s internet access is managed while at the College, when the User is at home, paying for their own internet, blocking sites that the User would otherwise be able to access. Internet access while at home should not be managed by the school, but by the parents who are responsible for the User, as outlined in the Handbook: “monitor your son’s use of internet and social networking sites for appropriateness” (Section “Parent Expectations”, point #2).
More questions can be raised as to the legality and security of the methods that the College uses to monitor web access at home, for example, does this method of monitoring comply with the Telecommunications Act 1979? Is the College even allowed to continue monitoring the Student(‘s) web access at home, even when the Student didn’t originally directly agree to or was even aware of the College’s intention to monitor and manage web access at home.
So with the provided evidence, it is fair to say that the College is unfairly breaching the User’s privacy, without their knowledge or prior consent, and should cease and desist all monitoring activities immediately, or if they wish to continue managing the User’s web access at home, they must provide each student (that has previously signed the Agreement) with a new revised handbook and agreement, along with a transparent report on how information collected by the BIC Agent is used, stored and otherwise controlled, and provide specific scope for where the BIC Agent will be used, in terms of whether it will be used at home, or only at school in conjunction with the College’s in-built server-based filtering software.