Maggie Regier 0

Dining Revolution

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Maggie Regier 0 Comments
39 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The current dining services at Westminster will be leaving us and the school is looking at who to hire for the upcoming years. Before our current system, Westminster had a contract with Sodexo: a company that mainly provides for prisons. Don't let the school go back to the cheap option. We need a service that truly provides for our needs, some of which include:

  1. We need our dining services to be friendly for people with celiac’s disease. These students simply cannot eat in Shaw because of the present dangers of cross-contamination.
  2. We need options for plant-based students. Often the response to veggie options is “well, you have a salad bar” — but it’s simply not enough. These students need protein, carbs, and all the other nutrients carnivores eat. A salad bar won’t cut it, and if dining offered more consistent options these students would be more likely to spend their money on campus, rather than resorting to outside sources.
  3. We need our dining services to have sustainable eating as a priority. We can save the planet by the way we eat, and we want our campus dining to mirror our passion for the environment. As this is a learning institution, why not take advantage of dining being an opportunity to learn?
  4. We need healthy food. Fresh, organic produce not drenched in oil. More fruit options, and all day long. If students can learn to eat healthy at a young age, it can save them from a life of main much later on.

If we are going to pay for this food, we deserve to have a voice. Sign this petition to help us tell Curtis Ryan, CFO of Westminster College, that dining MUST be a priority.

Please share this petition with all of your classmates, friends and family and feel free to suggest other ideas.

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