Give us control of our digital identity
Are you worried about identity theft? Today as more and more of our lives are lived online, wouldn't it be great to be able to prove "I am who I say I am".
We believe the individual should be able to control their digital identity.
So, if like us you want to control your own our digital identity and to be safe from identity theft then sign this petition today.
At miiCard we are working to establish a digital passport that is created and owned by you. Not the government, not the banks and not big business, but by you, the individual.
Every time you use your digital passport to prove your identity it will become stronger and stronger as you validate its authority and it will stay with you forever.
Having a digital passport will mean:
* Shopping online safely
* Chatting on Facebook safely
* Protection from fraud
* Control over your data
* Knowing when, where and by whom your identity is being used
* Never having to take your driving license and utility bills into your bank or store to prove you are who you say you are again.
Of course it may not be miiCard that becomes the digital passport of choice. But at least help us to get the debate going and raise the issue.
Help us to put pressure on the banks and retailers to put you back in control of your identity by signing this petition. By making our feelings known perhaps we can change things forever.