Different NY SAFE Act for Upstate New York

Sign this petition to pressure NY State law makers to amend the NY SAFE Act with different provisions for Upstate NY!
New York State has become two completely different states. The values, lifestyles and legal requirments for New York City, Long Island and Westchester County are in stark contrast to those of the rest of the state.
Based on the fact that two separate minimum wage requirements were recently enacted by the legislature for residents of New York City and the central and upper parts of New York, gun legislation should be dealt with in the same manner.
The ultimate goal is full repeal of the unconstitutional SAFE Act!
Most of the arrests and convictions from the New York SAFE Act have come from New York City, and law enforcement officers in Upstate New York have responded differently to the NY SAFE Act than those downstate.Iif New York can enact different minimum wage requirements for New York City, Long Island and Westchester, and Upstate New York – then it should be acceptable to enact different gun laws for those regions as well.
The proposed amendment would define “upstate” New York the same way that
it has been defined in the wage hike argument, with “Upstate New York”
consisting of those counties north of Westchester County. The minimum wage law is an
acknowledgement that the two regions have completely different circumstances. It is time our gun laws be dealt with in the same manner.
Sign this petion and be sure to share with your friendsd and family!