ABC, stop blurring Diane Sawyer's face !!

It's very obvious that ABC is intentionally blurring Diane Sawyer's face every week night on ABC World News program. We all have our suspicions regarding the reason(s) behind this act. But enough is enough. 1) We have been in the HDTV era for years, everything should be crystal clear, cable / satellite companies are already compressing our signals left and right, now do we need a main network to degrade picture quality further for us? This is just plain wrong. 2) This is making me (and possibly countless others) dizzy. My eyes and brain keep thinking that they need to focus and re-focus when the source has been tampered with. 3) She is a beautiful lady, especially at her age, there's nothing to be ashamed of, just show her accurately to us please! Thank you. Please tell others to sign this petition cos' enough is enough!