Get Diana\'s Ass to Homecoming!!!

The school year is 2006-2007 and a group of high school seniors wish to make this last year as pleasant as possible. Homecoming is coming up and one friend, a friend named Diana, blatantly refuses to go to homecoming: She chooses to remain at home and play Final Fantasy 12 instead. Seeing as Diana can play Final Fantasy 12 whenever she wants--any time before or after homecoming--and she cannot attend homecoming whenever she wants, her friends believe that she should attend the school function in order to make her senior year of high school as memorable as possible. Diana already has a dress, I mean, come on. As her friends, we want to make these memories with her so that when we part ways we can have great memories of the times we spent together. Sure, it\'s cheesy, but we\'re all going our separate ways after high school. Please sign this petition and support us in our efforts to make our Diana\'s senior year as great as it can be, homecoming and all.