Help Save Devonshire Rd Playing Field

We are asking for your support in retaining Devonshire Road Playing Fields as local recreational space rather than be developed for housing as proposed within Bolton Councils Land Plan. The playing field provides the only locally accessible recreational space for many residents. It is a vital asset for the community, in particular supporting young people to enjoy outdoor sporting activity – which is of particular importance in fighting childhood obesity. A local residents group has now been set up to save the playing fields and is working to maintain it for the whole community to enjoy. You may have seen our article recently within the Bolton Evening News to promote our plight. The level of local support for the playing field has been very positive with many residents volunteering to support the work of the group. It is felt that the Councils Local Plan is unsound in allocating the playing fields as housing. Many residents have responded to the Councils consultation citing this and how the proposal contradicts both local and national policy. We would welcome any support you could give us in protecting this vital community resource from being taken away and lost forever.