Callum Gilbey 0

Destroy Clickbait!

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Callum Gilbey 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I am starting this petition against users of clickbait. It is a very underhand method for sites such as The LAD Bible, The SPORT Bible, and even companies such as the BBC!

The company gains a massive amount of money on this via advertising fees as the general way it is worded is that you have to click the link to see the rest of the story.

An example:

One football team has been told to remove this from their kits or risk never playing again! Surely a little harsh?

*Link to The SPORT Bible*

There are many problems within this. Firstly, It tells you nothing but the bare minimum, what they would want to tell you to entice you to click their link. It makes them money and I, along with many others, feel this is very underhand.

Another thing, The words in the title are often misleading. An example here from The Mirror.

Football team sponsored by Pornhub is banned from the league!

It doesn't tell you who the football team is, and in the article, if you read it closely, They are not banned from the leagues, they are not permitted to play with that sponsor on their shirt.

Furthermore, some of these websites or facebook pages pass themselves off as "News" when in reality, how can the news be "This footballer has just been spotted with a woman! His club surely won't be happy?" When in reality, it is just a footballer out with his girlfriend shopping. The headline is meant to give you a short glance of the information and tell you exactly what has happened, these clickbaits do not.

So lets unite in taking down The LAD Bible!

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