Department of Education should implement a new plan
Department of Education should close all resorts and hotels then put leaners and teachers because travelling to schools everyday will be too risky and putting lifes of teachers and learners on danger. Coronavirus can affect anyone and there's no cure, Department of Education should close all resorts and hotels then put leaners and teachers then test them and provide them with free WiFi for learners and teachers to communicate with their families and free data with smart devices for pupils who are doing Grade R- 6 for parents and teachers to be able to help those pupils. No one want their family members to be infected by Coronavirus because of Department of Education not having other strategy. Department of Health should help by testing teachers and learners before putting them at hotels and resorts because no one want to be infected by Coronavirus. This petition is for teachers, learners and parents who want Department of Education to deploy teachers and learners in hotels and resorts. This petition will help me and you to stop what Department of Education is planning to do because travelling to schools will be dangerous for teachers and learners and feeding scheme ladies.