Democratic Party - Stop This Nonsense

This petition challenges the Democratic Party to end the continual disenfranchisement of the people of the United States of America. I propose that the Democratic Party work together to seat the entire Delegation from the 50 states of the United States of America; if not, we are not the united states of America. If 48 of the 50 states representatives are seated and permitted to vote at the Democratic National Convention, the disenfranchisement will be detrimental for the Democratic Party. I propose that the Democratic Party tape the proceedings relating to the meetings determining how they will handle Florida and Michigan; and make those findings a matter of public record. I propose that the Democratic Party work together to investigate the perceived irregularities in states such as Texas, where their caucus voting was a complete mess; and make those findings a matter of public record. I propose that the Democratic Party investigate why it took Lake County, Indiana so long to report their numbers; and make those findings a matter of public record. After the dust settles from this nomination process: I propose that the Democratic Party work together to end the caucus in every state. The caucus process causes unnecessary disenfranchisement of the people of the United States of America. I propose that the Democratic Party work together to ensure that every vote count 100%, one person one vote. I propose that the Democratic Party negate the process of Super Delegates from their nomination process. It is not fair to the process in a democracy. If the Democratic Party does not negate the Super Delegate process out: I propose that the Democratic Party require, in the beginning of the nomination process, Super Delegates to state their candidate affiliation and be required to stay with that candidate throughout the nomination process; if their candidate drops out of the nomination process, the Super Delegate is required to state their next choice; and so on and so forth until one candidate remains.