Demanding all Sahaja Yoga org, Central Committees, VND, NIPC, World Councils,Trusts, all leaders to obey and follow Shri Mataji’s Words, Wish and Will

...“It has to be religious obligation that You must listen to Me, whatever I say. Actually you must obey Me. My hand obeys Me, My fingers obey Me, My feet obey Me; what about you, who are raised to the great dignity and the great position of being the yogis in the body of the Adi Shakti, and they are acting as cells in My body?... May 3rd, 1987
Jai Shri Mataji, Jai Shri Ganesha, Jai Shri Hanumana
Here are the Three demands of all Sahajayogis
- Demand 1: Fund and Develop Nirmal Dham
- Demand 2: Implement Shri Mataji’s 2004 Wills and wishes
- Demand 3: Remove Copyright laws on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
- Demand 4: Must obey and implement Divine laws from 2008 Guru Puja. Must put those Laws into effect, and implemented.
- Demand 1: Fund and Develop Nirmal Dham
...“Hasrat bal is the Mosque of one hair of Mohammed Sahib and I caught the vibrations, you’ll be amazed I caught the vibrations about five miles away and we traced it down there”...
H.H.Shri Nirmala Devi, August 6th, 1984
If one hair of Muhammad Sahib can emit such vibrations that Shri Mataji can feel from miles away, then how much vibrations Shri Mataji’s whole physical body will emit?
It is beyond human capacity to understand and feel the tremendous vibrations flowing from physical body of Shri Mataji.
We, the Sahajayogis from all over the world vision Nirmal Dham to become the only one Pilgrim place for all. To accomplish this, we demand All Sahaja Yoga Organizations worldwide, VND, NIPC, all Sahaja Yoga Trusts and other donation taking websites, etc., to give money to Nirmal Dham every year.
All the collected money belongs to Shri Mataji, first that money should be used for developing Nirmal Dham.
- Demand 2: Implement Shri Mataji’s all WILLs and wishes
We demand all Sahaja Yoga leaders and organisations to follow and implement 2004 Will of Shri Mataji,
Please click here for all details of Shri Mataji's Will
- Demand 3: Remove Copyright laws on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
...I know of people, there was an actress who came to my program and I came in 71 (there are so many people who came to My program) and also Dr Choudari told Me “You’d better get it copyright”. I said “There is no copyright needed for this kind of a thing, is all right!”. And they are using My words, they are using word Kundalini, they are using Maha Yoga, they are using the words like self realisation, everything; but doing nothing about it, just making money. Sorry, what can I do about it? It is for you to decide, it is the actualization which you should ask”...May 31st, 1990
...“when I went to America, people said, you must get a patent on your lectures, Mother. I just smiled at them. I said, what’s the matter? They said, they might use your words and use the same things for their own purpose and may be that they all do a lot of harm to you, I said, no, it’s nice, let them talk about because that’s what has to happen, people have to know about it, what is there to take a patent for it. We don’t take patent for the light of the sun, and the beauty of the stars. That’s meant for everyone”... March 22nd, 1981
Please click here for more talks on NOT to copyright
Based on many of Shri Mataji’s talks, Shri Mataji’s intellectual property should not be copyrighted. So we the Sahajayogis of the world demand Nirmalavidya LLC /NIPC to withdraw Intellectual property of Shri Mataji from copyright laws.
We demand NIPC/ Nirmala Vidya LLC, to make ownership transfer document public which was signed by Shri Mataji as “Nirmala”. Watch the signing ceremony video below.
Click here for video of Intellectual Property ownership transfer document signed by Shri Mataji
Click Here to find more details on NIPC copyright claim on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
- Demand 4: Must obey and implement Divine laws of 2008 Guru Puja talk. Must put those Laws into effect, and implemented
...."First you may get two people, then three people. I started with five. So you can imagine how one can go with it. Try first of all with two, three, five and more. You can also advertise afterwards, if you have given Realization to people, say about – you have given Realization to ten people – you can start your own organization, or whatever you may call, and can work it out..
..."So now I am no more available in the sense I’ve done my best and I think I won’t be able to do this again. It is not my old age but I want to give you a complete freedom to spread Sahaja Yoga. You have got it free and you also have to give it to people free – not to charge them"
“But you have be able to give en-masse realization, then only you can be a guru. If you can give en-masse realization then you could be a guru”...
...but realization you have to give and try to give mass realization. If that doesn’t work out then you should know you are not a guru. If you can give mass realization, then only you are a guru. Otherwise you are not. I said you can use my photograph but you have to give realization to people. This is the sign of a guru”...July 20th, 2008
Meaning of en-masse from Shri Mataji's talks:
“We have one more — Mahayoga Dayini. En masse yoga. See, en masse”. January 21st, 1983
...“Now in Sahaja Yoga which is described by all the great saints, today the time has come for it to become a Maha Yoga. It has to become a Maha Yoga Gyaneshwara has described it , that a day will come that Sahaja will become Maha, means you will have a mass realization, a mass thousands will get realization”... February 5th, 1981
For more details on Divine laws
Divine Laws to “become Guru means teacher”