Demanding an official public statement from our school board

OCTOBER 16, 2013
For some of you this will be new, to others you may have known for many months, regardless there is an issue within our school district that needs to be addressed. This is not something I take lightly or ever wanted to be in the position of posting publicly but I believe in speaking out when it's necessary and I feel this is one of those times.
It has been confirmed by multiple sources that our superintendent has been involved in an extramarital affair with a subordinate staff member at our schools. To my knowledge he has told his family and his staff. The employee was a teacher at the Springdale School and was promoted this year to being the Corbett School District's Communications Coordinator & College Coach.
When asking a board member I was told the board chair was handling it and it's a personnel matter. When I asked our superintendent I was told he could not discuss a confidential personnel matter. I think this community deserves the same respect as the staff at our schools do. This man represents our schools, our children, and this community as a whole.
What is our school districts liability in this? Does her promotion fall under the districts nepotism policy? Can we be sued for sexual harassment or unwanted advances by our superintendent to his employee? Are we increasing liability by continuing to let them work together as employer & employee? What liability has his actions put upon our school district? Has the board done due diligence to investigate this and insure our district is protected? I have not seen any notices of executive sessions recently so I would like to know.
Where does this leave the confidence of the people? I feel to not deal with this issue only creates more distrust. I ask of all of you when discussing this matter with your friends and neighbors to please do so in a tactful way. Both parties have spouses and children, and it is not my intent to cause more strife for those innocently affected. However I do feel action by our board is warranted. I would like to ask, those that will, to stand with me and demand an official public statement from our school board regarding this situation.
Karina Lande