Demand for removal and replacement of Sodexo at NCCU
The student body of North Carolina Central University is more than tired of the mediocrefood that Sodexo provides for us during each meal time of the day. Our university cannot expect us to pay so much for a meal plan, and we can't even get a decent meal from our café; let alone keep it in our stomach. This petition is calling for the removal of Sodexo, and replacing them with a holistic and organic meal service that meets the needs of ALL students on campus. Our meat should be grassfed, without chemicals, as well as the rest of our foods. The "vegan bar" needs to be expanded and updated with a variety fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Sodexo has faced many lawsuits and received backlash in the recent past, including a court case for including horsemeat in their beefburgers in a Britain location in the year of 2013. In addition to this, Sodexo has received complaints from employees about unfair treatment and racial discrimination. Sodexo is also one of the largest investors in the private prison company, Corrections Corporation of America. We will not stand for subpar meals and service any longer. The time for change is now.