Demand Congress to Subpoena Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server

During the four years that Hillary Clinton was our Secretary of State, we now find that she used a personal email server to conduct all State Department business as well as personal emails, and until recently, none of these emails were turned over to the State Department. She stated that this was done for "convenience". Really? How gullible are we? You can check more than one email account from the same device!
Yes, she turned over 55,000 emails that were State Department business. But how many did she possibly delete or fail to deliver? Without the server, we will never know. Before this woman is possibly elected as our next President of the United States, we need to know that she is transparent and is trustworthy enough to run this country on our behalf.
And then there is the matter of the contributions from many foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation during the time she served as Secretary of State. Was there possibly any quid pro quo that took place in exchange for these contributions?
These should not be partisan issues. They should concern us all. We teach our children to be honest and forthright in their lives, but yet somehow we've all become complacent when it comes to our representatives in Washington doing "business as usual" and excepting that it's just the way politicians are. How stupid are we? If Hillary has nothing to hide, then why doesn't she just produce the server?
Let's demand that Congress find a way to subpoena her server (immediately - not a year from now) and then choose an independent third party to go through and make sure that every email that should be public is made public.