Demand an Israeli apology to the Nobel Peace Committee

Israeli official sources have made numerous attempts to justify the unlawful and brutalmassacre ofthe people of Gaza.A particularlyshamefulcaseis the statement made by the Israeliambassadorto the United States,RonDermers(at a galaorganizedbyChristiansUnited forIsrael),that the Israeliarmed forcesdeservethe Nobel Peace Prize,as they have shown “unimaginablerestraint”.As far as wecan understand, this is not meant to be an ironic claim.Nor is ita statementbyan independentcommentator. Itcomes froman official representative ofthe Israeligovernment and itsforeign policy.
The NobelPeace Prizeis oftensubject of debate,which is natural given its nature.Butthe Nobel Committeehas the opportunity toexplain and defendits decisions.Itis also reasonable to say, thatthe Committee has aresponsibilityto safeguardthe prize's reputationand dignity.When a an official representative of a sovereign state flagrantly misuses the brand of the Nobel Peace Prizeto justifya large-scaleand bloodyattack onacivilian population– with a remarkable number ofcasualties being children–this is nothing short ofsmearingthe prize as an institution.
The Nobel Peace Prizeis a matter of concern forthe whole world.Wewho signthis petitiondemand that theNobel Committeeexactsan official apologyfromAmbassadorRonDermer,and/orhisemployer,the IsraeliForeign Ministry.