Demand Action of Mill Creek City Council NOW!

The City Council is choosing to ignore a very serious issue affecting our city.
Since the City Manager was hired 18 months ago, nearly 15 highly valued employees from both city and police departments, have left. That is over 230 YEARS of experience that walked out the door. It appears to be because of the City Manager. The Employee Union is initiating actions and yet the city council is choosing to do nothing which makes the council derelict in it's responsibility of oversight, and supervision of the City Manager.
The Mayor and City Council, being elected to set policies and direct their chosen City Manager, has so far done NOTHING about this grave situation: Therefore,
We demand the Mayor and City Council immediately do the following.
1. Hire an outside firm to conduct a thorough, confidential, indepth, unbiased study of what is going on inside the city, by conducting confidential interviewis of current and recently departed employees. Report their findings and recommendations to Mayor, City Council AND the citizens as well as the local press organizations.
2. Hire an interim city manager so that city business can continue during the investigative process.
3. Put the city manager on administrative leave to insure a that the investigation can be done in a non-threatening environment.
There is a cost to this, but we believe that the abusive and ill advised actions of the City Manager will in the long term be much more expensive for the taxpayers of Mill Creek.