Demand a replacement for Rizzetta & Company, Inc

Asturia is a wonderful, friendly, interactive community. It is more than a sub-division, it truly is a neighborhood. All that live here have decided to build and move into this beautiful neighborhood for many different reasons. Some of us are first-time homeowners; some are up-sizing into larger homes, and some are down-sizing into smaller homes. Some are beginning careers, some careers are winding-down, and some are enjoying their retirement. Whatever our individual stories are we owe it to ourselves and to our neighbors to set the bar of excellence higher than any other community in the area.
More and more frequently our friendly community has been at the will and aggression of the Community Management Group Rizzetta & Company for 'code' enforcement as well as their handling of alteration applications. As evidenced by the frequent complaints posted on the Asturia Facebook Fan Page, many of us are upset and angry over the incompetence, lack of communication, out-in-out delays in simple alteration requests, etc. The list of complaints goes on and on.
Since we as homeworkers cannot assume the Property Owners Association (POA) as of yet, this petition is to request Hines Development group to replace Rizzetta & Company with a Community Management Group that better suits our neighborhood.
Please help us by signing the petition below. Our strength will be in numbers and with enough support we are confident we can present our argument to the Hines Group.
Thank you in advance for your help,
The Residents of Asturia.