Demand a New Electronics Technology Lab Dedicated to Computer Applications and Learning
As the school has grown and some changes have occurred, in order to better serve the current and future student population a new ET Lab is needed. The development of this lab would allow for classes like Electronics Communications, PLC's and Intro to C Programming to be moved closer to the original ET Lab. The original ET Lab would be enhanced with more hands on training and testing. The two lab system would allow for a cleaner setting for students and isolation for some of the 'computer' related courses as mentioned above. The cost of developing this lab is minimal in that some of the 'used' computers could be moved, a total number of 12 machines would be used for those 3 course. The room could quickly be reconfigured to support this, by simply installing a cheap 12 port router and connecting to the current infra-structure. The machine could be setup and maintained by Federal Work Study employee's. Tables and chairs could be moved to allow both a mini ET Lab and a lecture area to suit the students current needs.