Demand Republican Party Support Their Nominee Donald J. Trump

In light of the potential damage to our nation as the result of an existing vacancy and future appointees to the Supreme Court of the United States;
In light of the complex corruption that exists between Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the U.S. State Department;
In light of recently exposed election rigging engaged in by the Democrat Party of the United States;
Considering that the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States has found Hillary Clinton to be negligent and extremely careless in handling the secret information of the United States;
In consideration of the above and knowing the likelihood of additional discoveries of subversive acts by Hillary Clinton against our country;
The actions of some current Republicans have significantly undermined our current nominee for President. This action is inexcusable, given the perilous predicament our nation is presented with in November. I will consider withdrawing my support for those Republican representatives and will not financially or politically support their reelection efforts.
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