Climate Change needs Political Leadership
Aldous Sperl 0

Climate Change needs Political Leadership

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Aldous Sperl 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Listen to our Voice! As youth, we have both the opportunity and the responsibility to act to affect the future. In the past, we had the collective strength to shake the foundation of society for its betterment when there was a need for action. Today, we recognize the undeniable truth of global climate change and the threat it poses to us and future generations through our own inaction. So, with the spirit of social activism championed by our predecessors, youth from across the political spectrum - liberal, conservative, and those formerly apathetic - come together now to act. We recognize the gross negligence of our current governmental leadership to take decisive action on climate change, the critical issue of our time, and to them we make this declaration: Regardless of political affiliation, we believe enormous change is needed in our leaders\' direction on the environment. Therefore, prioritizing this issue will be the deciding factor in supporting a candidate in the next federal election. We proffer a challenge to politicians to earn our votes. Earn them by being honest about the environment. Earn them by making Canada the example to the world on climate change action. Earn them by addressing this issue not as a Liberal issue, not as a Conservative issue, but as a Canadian issue, a global issue. Acting on this is an opportunity for political parties to gain our generation\'s support. We, the undersigned, believe that climate change is today the most pressing issue facing Canada and the world, and that only environmental action originating from our politicians on the national level will be an effective response. By signing this document, we acknowledge that climate change is a critically serious issue and that the environmental platforms of our political parties will thereby play a decisive factor in our voting choice.


We are a group of students dedicated to trying to highlight the importance of this issue to our government. if you want to download the petition please go to
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