Make AEDs Mandatory in ALL Public Facilities!
Julie Criscuola 0

Make AEDs Mandatory in ALL Public Facilities!

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the leading cause of death, claiming an estimated 325,000 lives each year. That equals 1,000 lives a day or one person every two minutes.  80% of Cardiac Arrests occur in the home and are witnessed by family members who often do not know CPR.


Every minute that a person is in Cardiac Arrest there is a 10% less chance of survival. That means between 4 and 6 minutes, brain death and permanent death start to occur. Time is of the Essence.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest is not a Heart Attack.


It’s estimated that 95% of cardiac arrest victims die before they reach a hospital or other source of emergency help.


Help us make AEDs MANDATORY in all public facilities. Help us make out of hospital cardiac arrest victims survive. With your HELP, we can spread the word about how important AEDs really are....I know first hand as an American Heart Association BLS Instructor. Please sign my petition and join me in fighting for higher survival rates!




Julie M. Criscuola


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