Defeat the Deficit in Connecticut
Who should or shouldn't be in prison is a question that Connecticut is asking as we look at impending budget deficit of nearly $1 billion in 2009. Connecticut can reduce corrections costs, responsibly allocate law enforcement resources, and reduce class/racial disparities through continued prison reform. From 2004-2006 we created the largest prison reduction in CT ever. In 2009, we are working on issues that will reduce CT's budget deficit by continuing to reduce CT's prison population and create new revenue for the state through marijuana decriminalization. Connecticut's prisons are filled with nonviolent drug offenders, people awaiting trial for nonviolent offenses, the mentally ill and drug addicted, homeless veterans, and women on conspiracy drug cases. Sign Defeat the Deficit in Connecticut and support responsible fiscal appropriation. Stop cuts to services and transportation for youth/senior programs and employment. Thanks Lorenzo Jones Executive Director A Better Way Foundation