Stop deep sea oil drilling!!
Fran Excell 0

Stop deep sea oil drilling!!

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Fran Excell 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Oil is so important as it is one of the major sources of energy and is something that is used in everyones daily lives. It is a mechanical process that we all rely on to an extent where it is becoming scarce.It is used much more than the average person would think.Until we find a suitable substitute for it oil drilling must continue but alsocontinue to kill our planet.

Oil spills can occur in this process like the most recent one in the gulf of Mexico which the country is still recovering from environmentally and finacially. Anadarko is trying to start deep sea oil drilling in New Zealand which has caused a debate for wether they should go through with it. The people of New Zealand are worried about the oil spills that could occur in this process leading to killing nature and wildlife. Anadarko cannot ensure that there will not be another oil spill the one in the gulf of Mexico.

I believe that deep sea oil drilling could majorly effect New Zealand in many various ways such as: the environment, the economy (paying for recovery of oil spills), tourism because of the ships and oil rigs, society, jobs and many more. sign this petition to stop deep sea oil drilling in New Zealand to keep our country clean & beautiful.

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