samantha Wilson 0

punish the DEED not the BREED

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all to often particular breeds are blamed or punished for crimes they didn't commit just because of what they look like. The owners are to blame not the dog's. "bully type dogs" are being seized and taken away from their loving familys because of what they look like, they have not posed a threat or danger to anyone or anything. This is unfair on the dog and the owner. Responsible owners are being punished because of the irrsponsible owners who use and abuse their dog, they train them to be a weapon.This is not the fault of the dog, dog's dont choose their owner they have no choice in the life they are forced to live. Please Mr Brown open your eye's, there are no bad dog's just bad,irresponsible owners that make them this way. Introduce dog licencing and a minimum age for owning a "bully type dog" to prevent irresponsible owners.


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