Declaration of Freedom 2021

To the Honorable Governor of the State of Mississippi and all elected Representatives within our State and U.S. Congress.
WE THE PEOPLE of The United States of America and the great State of Mississippi do hereby sign this Declaration to express our deep concern that our Constitutional Rights have recently been threatened and at this very hour are being violated within our state such as mandatory lockdowns, curfews, and the threat of mask requirements in public forums which are all gross violations of our rights as citizens. By this We as citizens demand your adherence to the State Constitution adopted in 1890 as well as our U.S. Constitution as ratified on June 1st, 1788. We as tax paying, law abiding citizens, hold you accountable and our prayer is that you as an elected official will honor our 1st Amendment right to free speech by which we have the freedom to worship in a manner of public assembly as well as open air evangelism. You, as our Governor are sworn to uphold our 2nd Amendment right that underlines our right to continue to bear arms, and legally purchase ammunition, furthermore must maintain our right to Equal Protection under the law. We as a body of citizens will not support any executive order on any federal or state level nor any legislation that would infringe upon those such rights. As of this present hour the 2020 elections are being disputed with violence brewing inside the inner cities of many of our states within our nation and civil unrest does not seem to be receding. As a result of some of the turbulent events of 2020, many states have enacted executive orders upon the will of the people that We, as Mississippians refuse to submit to. We are aware of the Sars-Cov 2 pandemic that has been reported across the globe along with many other contagious viruses in world history. However, We as citizens will not submit to any measures that would force any place of business to undertake special provisions in the name of a pandemic, climate change or critical race theory .We as citizens refuse to support any executive order as well as any legislation that would force citizens to strap any foreign object upon their face or head such as a surgical mask, face shield, or gas mask restricting a persons air passages thus compromising the proper and natural form of breathing. We strongly believe that in the event that an individual should be fearful of any public health concerns, that same individual has the right to refrain from public surroundings or social gatherings and should never violate the beliefs or infringe upon another citizen’s constitutional freedoms. We as citizens will never submit to any federal or state wide mandate that would force any citizen to be inoculated with vaccines of any type such as Covid vaccinations or any other flue related immunizations. We as citizens will always support, honor and respect our local law enforcement, first responders as well as our State and U.S. Military. We will never embrace a lawless society such as vandalism, arson, destruction of property, physical aggression upon our law enforcement or any other form of anarchy within our state. We as citizens of the sovereign state of Mississippi and the United States of this great nation under God will always protect and defend our fellow countrymen within our country, our state, as well as our local communities.
May God continue to bless our beloved state of Mississippi
Sincerely , the Citizens abroad