Declaration of Demands for Humanity

This article is a combination of:
- The Declaration of Independence
- The First Amendment Right to petition the government for a redress of grievances
- A list of recommendations for people around the world to use when giving the World Health Organization a piece of their mind this September 29-30, 2022 during the WHO’s scheduled public comment period regarding their proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
- WE DEMAND the full and immediate restoration of our inalienable rights and freedoms.
- WE DEMAND an immediate halt to all “vaccinations,” lockdowns, curfews, travel restrictions and “mandates” of every kind across the world.
- WE DEMAND an immediate halt to all gain of function research.
- WE DEMAND an immediate halt to the fraudulent use of RT-PCR testing.
- WE DEMAND an immediate halt to discrimination based upon one’s refusal to participate in the enormous and insane experiment that has been forced upon the people of the world
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a multitude of people to come together to stand up in defense of their inalienable rights against the oppression and abuse heaped upon them by the Fascist collusion of government, corporations and non-government organizations working together to strip the people of their many freedoms, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to seek redress of our grievances.
It is abundantly clear that governments, corporations and organizations around the world have collectively infringed upon our inalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, invariably pursuing the same goal demonstrates a design to place We, the People of the World, under absolute despotism, it is our right and it is our duty to stand up for our rights.
We have brought these issues to the attention of those who hold office as our public servants multiple times, only to be confronted with skepticism and censorship of our attempts to expose the facts.
We have repeatedly demanded that they cease their attempts to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.
We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity to disavow these usurpations, but they have been deaf to our pleas for justice.
We, The People of the World, have endured more than enough of the abuse of our inalienable rights and freedoms.
People, and especially children, are being injured, maimed and yes, even killed.
We cannot accept this.
We are compelled to act.
I. CORE PRINCIPLES:- The good of any nation is the sum total of the benefits enjoyed by all its people. The rights of international organizations, nations, states, provinces, cities and groups are secondary to the inalienable human rights of each individual.
- Governments do NOT have the authority to suspend human rights because of “emergencies.” The declaration of an “emergency” does not give anyone the right to infringe upon anyone else's inalienable human rights. Regardless of the scope and/or severity of any disease outbreak or pandemic, human rights remain inalienable and may not be abridged.
- Health policy should be guided by clinical/medical practitioners (not “public health” bureaucrats) and decisions must ultimately be made based on the individual’s choice.
- Discrimination based on medical status is wrong and must not be permitted in any form whatsoever.
- Health care, including pandemic response, should be decentralized. Power and governance must flow from the bottom up, not from the top down.
- The focus must be on providing clean drinking water, without chemicals or additives along with pure and uncontaminated food and adequate nutrition, including unrestricted access to all nutritional and herbal supplements.
- The entire world is engulfed in multiple pandemics of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and many other diseases that we must focus on rather than “pandemic response products” that have actually increased the severity of, and the deaths from, cardiovascular disease, cancer and many other “unknown causes.”
Each individual has the right to publicly express their own opinion regarding the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of any health related policy or treatment in spoken and/or written form. Every person's experience is a valuable scientific observation and must NOT be censored. Opinions are NOT “fake news.”
Each individual must be in control of the ultimate decision to utilize any and all health-related treatments, medications, and nutrition as we deem necessary to improve and/or maintain our health.
Each individual has the right to refuse treatment of any kind.
Each individual has the right to travel anywhere on Earth free from any “lockdowns,” “quarantines,” “vaccine passports,” “mask mandates,” “social distancing” or any other attempts to impede our freedom of movement.
Each individual has the right to freedom from discrimination based upon any demand upon any person to undergo any form of medical procedure, including testing, in order to obtain employment, education, health care or access to any other services or locations, public or private.
Each individual has the right to visit with family and friends who may be suffering through an illness in order to provide them with love and emotional support.
Every parent has the right to exert the ultimate authority over the health care provided to their children.
Every medical professional has the right to practice in a manner that is directed by their experience and wisdom, not by bureaucratic dictate.
Every medical professional has the right to recommend safe, essential medications “off label” and suppliers must provide those medications to We the People of the World, as has traditionally been the case.
Every government, every corporation and every organization must respect and honor all of these inalienable rights despite any declaration of a state of emergency.
III. WORLDWIDE DEMANDS: We, the People of the World, demand that the following changes be enacted as soon as possible:- WE DEMAND that the use of the COVID-19 injections be immediately stopped worldwide. #StopTheShots
- WE DEMAND that the World Health Organization (WHO) must stop its attempts to capture additional legal authority/sovereignty. The WHO is currently involved in discussions of a “Pandemic Treaty” as well as ongoing attempts to amend the International Health Regulations while they have absolutely failed to address the important DEMANDS made by We, the People of the World. The WHO must be exposed, stopped, defunded, and abolished.
- WE DEMAND that local governments and local law enforcement make themselves aware of and rigorously investigate the biowarfare relation between the nanotechnology being discovered in vaccines, 5g telecommunication networks, and existing payload delivery technology which can, and likely will, be used in the future to induce symptoms of disease thus creating the illusion of yet another pandemic.
- WE DEMAND clear evidence of causality including true isolation of any pathogen and proof of pathogenicity according to Koch’s postulates.
- WE DEMAND that RT-PCR testing NOT be used to diagnose “cases” of infectious disease and that, whenever it is used to assist clinical work, the cycle threshold and the genetic sequences that were tested for MUST be included with the laboratory reports and in all official data collection programs.
- WE DEMAND that the diagnosis of disease must meet clearly predefined criteria and must be agreed upon by each individual.
- WE DEMAND that the cause of death must meet clearly predefined criteria and must be agreed upon by the next of kin.
- WE DEMAND that autopsies be performed, whenever such procedures are requested by the next of kin.
- WE DEMAND that the injuries and deaths caused by the COVID-19 injections and treatments such as remdesivir, midazolam, paxlovid, molnupiravir and other treatments be subjected to full and transparent investigations worldwide and the results of these investigations be reported publicly as soon as possible.
- WE DEMAND that every batch of every pharmaceutical product including drugs, testing equipment, personal protective equipment and injectables undergo rigorous testing and chemical analysis and be delivered with an independent analysis report of ingredients and contaminants found in the product.
- WE DEMAND that government officials be held accountable for false, inaccurate and/or misleading statements.
- WE DEMAND that all government contracts be made fully available to the public.
- WE DEMAND that absolutely no restrictions be placed on access to nutritional and herbal supplements.
- WE DEMAND that natural therapies including, but not limited to acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbalism, nutrition and many other systems of health maintenance and health care be treated on an equal basis as pharmaceutical medicines, including, but not limited to inclusion in medical school training and licensing of doctors.