Krystal Pepper 0

Bring Back The Death Penalty In Canada!!!

160 signers. Add your name now!
Krystal Pepper 0 Comments
160 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

For years and years people in Canada have been taking innocent lives. Children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. This needs to stop immidiatly. Sending these individuals to person for \'life\' which is 25 years is absolutly crazy! (Very nice way of putting it) Why should these people live their, while their victims couldn\'t Keeping these people behind bars, and some being released is not helping our society at all. The ones who eventually get out of prison, normally commit the same crime again.


So many people I believe support this petition. Please help and sign this petition to bring back the death penalty for these murderers and to help ensure more safety for our lives.
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