Kristine Roman 0

Keep Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Movie True To The Book!

108 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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108 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Calling all Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows fans! This petition is to keep the future Deathly Hallows movie as true to the book as possible! We all saw what happened with Order of the Phoenix and Prisoner of Azkaban! Where was Winky S.P.E.W. And was that, a door or a VEIL that Sirius falls through.... Tonks. If you never read the book, would you even know her name She had perhaps one line in OoTP! And just Where did the Marauders Map come from Also, does anyone know just what exactly Fred and George were doing during the O.W.L. examinations Were they just flying around or was there an actual purpose to their antics Kreacher. Who and what is Kreacher Did they even bother to explain anything about him And what about that scene in the end of OoTP where Harry talks with Dumbledore Where was the anger the frustration and total sadness Instead its cut down to about a 30 second scene. There is so, so, soooo much missing to the previous movies that is important to the story line! Do we really want to see the same happen to the last book in this fantastic series Please sign the petition, which will then be sent to Warner Bros. in hopes that they will hear our cry. Thank you. Harry Potter Rules!


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