Dear Tumblr,
Sophie Orr 0

Dear Tumblr,

633 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sophie Orr 0 Comments
633 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Tumblr

We, tumblr users, are here, signing this because we are sick of whats happening at the moment.

Firstly, you are not suspending, but permanently DELETING peoples blogs. Why? Because they did promos, just to help people gain more than a few followers a day. Or they joined a group/network because their friend is in it or its about their favourite thing.
YOU NEVER EVER stated ANYWHERE in your Terms and Conditions that you weren't allowed to promo people or join groups / networks. Neither did you say that you would ever DELETE any blogs. Only suspend. So why? Why the all of a sudden absurd restrictions?

Gorgeous people are losing perfect blogs, blogs that they have worked tirelessly on, spent hours of valuable time working on their blogs just to make them look a tiny bit better, just to have a couple more people like them, just to have maybe a nice message in their inbox in the morning saying that someone out there likes their blog. Valuable time that could have been spent getting an A instead of a B on a test/assignment, or having completed their homework at home instead of at school in the morning. Just to make their blog look just a little better.

How would you like it, if you created a gorgeous piece of artwork, or something that you love doing, and it being destroyed, ripped apart, killed, butchered. All because you just wanted a couple more people out there in the world like it, enjoy looking at it.

You wouldn't.

So why do that exact thing to us?

What damage has promos or being in a group ever done to tumblr that our blogs should be deleted because of it?

That is why we, tumblr users, have signed this petition.

Because we want to show you, that we have hearts and we are sick of this.

It hurts us.


~Tumblr Users.


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