Amelia Horswill 0

Dear Google get rid of the "New Look"

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Amelia Horswill 0 Comments
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Google, a long time ago threatened onto us this horrible "new look". However, at the time, we were allowed to revert back to the user-friendly, "Old Look". 

As of two days ago Google has begun to roll out the horrible new look, despite the fact that it has major implications to our every day functionality. At this time should your "Old look" turn into the "New look" you are not longer allowed to decide if you want to go back. Which leaves us all with problems because the New look doesn't work for most of us. 

A handful of our complaints are:

1. Inability to read email, or anything, on the page and the new "Themes" do not help with this at all.
2. General layout is hard to navigate, and increases time needed to do a task to more than double what it would have taken before. 
3. If we used our Gmail to link to any non Google site (Say work, apps or school) the connection no longer works and thus we can't access these things as we need to.
4. Many common every day functions that used to be easy to access are now deeply hidden and hard to find, leaving three buttons "Archive, Delete, and Spam" (That are icons unless you know where settings is and which panel you can choose to make them into words)
5. New layout does not make "sense" and cannot be logically navigated. 

In attempt to make the system "Simpler", Google has insulted its user base and actually came up with a far more complicated Gmail. It is our firm belief that the only people who enjoy the new system, are people at Google. 

Therefore we are petitioning Google to please get rid of the failed new look, and restore the old look. 

Thank you. 

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