Dead Space Disiac

We, the undersigned, are fans of Disiac and have been following his gaming sessions on Discord. We love his passion, his insights, and his community spirit. We particularly enjoyed his playthroughs of Fallout 1, the Resident Evil series, and Hitman 1, which showcased his excellent gaming skills, his insight into the games' storylines, and his commitment to his loyal Discord community.
As fans of Disiac, we would like to petition him to consider streaming a playthrough of the Dead Space remake just for us over Discord. We have heard that he already owns the game, and we believe that his unique style and personality would provide us with an incredible experience. Disiac's passion for horror games and his knowledge of the Dead Space series could make his playthrough of this game one of the most amazing and thrilling for us to watch.
Therefore, we urge Disiac to consider doing a full playthrough of the Dead Space remake for us to watch over Discord. We believe that his dedication to his community and his likeable personality would make Dead Space so much more entertaining.
Please, Disiac, consider streaming a Dead Space playthrough for us on Discord. We are excited about the possibility of connecting with you and experiencing this game together. Let's show our support by signing this petition!